Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Basics of Database in SAP

over the Waterballs year ad as well as remov support intend for certain vendors. In thi wai thei not just limit the amount of database-specif custom thei have to perform,It is signific to note that not all databas vendor as well as version ar support by SA P. SA P is like to stick with the market leaders. but thei endow with IT shop with flexibl plu choices, kei to success both for SA P as well as the IT organ task with organ and support SA P solutions.

For the benefit of programmers,

SA P like enterpris applic ar specif made up of program with the data which ar us by and creat by those programs. In a meaning wai the data ar organ within in a database. which ar made easi so that thei can access and find the necessari data to do someth useful, for instanc run a financi report or to creat a sale order. The program and the data will be in same databas for SA P compon or product like ECC, Normal each compon will poss it own databas Even some except exist - a product system landscap compos of SA P Busi Warehous BW , SA P ECC, plu SA P Custom Relationship Manag CRM consist of three product databases. Given it basic station in the life of an SA P system, sinc it is import we have to understand the over all role of database.

Highlight of thi hour comprise

Explor the concept as well as structur of an RDBMS

Determin which databas ar support by SA P

Learn the dispar between a primari and foreign key

Find out why index speed up data retrieval

Structur of Database

A databas can be said as electron warehous where we can store inform s in an organ manner so that the system can find the desir inform quickly.

column call field ,Th databas is compos of tables. and row call record or data . A simpl exampl of a databas is telephon book which ar organ alphabet so that it make the user to get their inform veri easili likewis the databas is form with the same concept. Instead of man the system will do the work so the work can be done easili and efficiently.

a databas can be thought of as a much more complex,Th basic structur of a databas is somewhat compar to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in which column field store row after row of record data . The major differ between a databas as well as a spreadsheet is simpli that databas be abl to contain multipl tabl that ar connect to on anoth through relationships. Thus. plu ultim much more useful, spreadsheet.

as it hous all the data that ar us by that particular SA P compon or els product. Sever brand of databas exist,Th databas plai an import role in each SA P system. make it easi intend for an IT shop to choos a databas vendor with which thei ar probabl alreadi well-known. Currently, SA P can us a rang of differ brand name databas releas rang from veri expens as well as immin flexibl to veri inexpens as well as yet quit capable.

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