thei can Buy Wet And Dry Slideconnect with them,When travel compani begin to listen to what peopl want and need. gain their trust, and share their brand story. And that' the exact order. No mix and match here.
Want to know a main reason why travel compani owner have been increasingli frustrated? Thei don't understand or realiz that the wai thei ar speak to prospect client is turn peopl awai instead of attract them. The PR strategi that work on or two year ago ar slowli crippl travel compani that continu to us them.
So what happened?
prospect have becom sick of be treat as a commod and not as a human being. Thei ar sick and tire of be sold to the same way. They'v been there and done that. And thei can see through the smoke and mirrors,A ft year of mass marketing. see past the flashi imag and catchi phrases, and see through an inauthent market message.
So what' a travel compani to do now?
step inflatable pirate slide back,Mi challeng to you is to embrac the change. and look at the grand pictur of it all. The attitud and wai you'r speak to prospect should be much more convers and less rigid and overli formal. Thi mean no more textbook sell strategies, no more intellectu industri jargon, and no more hard sales. Sorry, but someon had to tell you.
Prospect ar sensitive. And thei have feelings. Vacat ar a huge and expens decision. Thei need to connect with their travel agent. Travel compani that can tap into these feel and need and can connect on a deeper level ar the on who will come out on top.
Her ar some step you can take now to enhanc the wai your travel compani connect with prospects
and clients:
learn it,1. Embrace the change: Live it. and love it.
2. Enhanc your travel brand with essenti traits: Authent and transpar ar now the primari characterist you want your travel compani to portray. Peopl on new media platform ar look for relationship and for peopl to trust. Thei want to trust travel agent and be confid that thei ar receiv advic in their best interest. Thei want to connect to the person behind the business.
but if you don't have a solid connect to your target audienc and a trustworthi and transpar busi model,Y can pretend to be authentic. you will be expos soon enough.
Imagin what an untrustworthi reput could do for your travel business.
busi tone to more of a casual tone. Speak to prospect as if thei ar in a meet room isn't go to cut it. They'r on your level and they'r look for someon to connect with-a person to relat to,3. Releas your personality. Convers tone is shift from a formal. share feel and travel concern with, and learn from. Thei kei be someon and not a corporation.
it' appar that more and more peopl find social network site and blog to be an import part of their everydai lives4. Join the conversation. With the averag amount of minut U.S. citizen spend on social network site and blog increas by 143% year-over-year Nielson Compani ..
blogs,Our desir for relationship and social is quit clear from the increas in time spent on new media outlet and the rapid progress of social media sites. video sharing, and discuss forums. Listen and interact.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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